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Why Big Influencers can’t sell

Why Big Influencers can’t sell

Have you ever noticed how certain influencers or people with platforms don’t make much money? Well, I’m going to tell you why big influencers can’t sell. 

They Don’t have a core fanbase

Why Big Influencers can’t sell

Now, this might seem like a problem that someone who is just starting out would have but it's not always the case. So I was on TikTok and I would see people who have up to about 200K-500K followers but then I would check their Instagram and not even 10% of their followers converted and this just blew my mind. At first, I assumed maybe it was a coincidence until I saw this multiple times. The problem is they don’t have a core fanbase; their following is made up of casual viewers that may just have watched their content because it’s interesting, not because they're truly a fan of the creator. One thing I’ve noticed more commonly with women content creators is that their fan base only follows them based on what they look like not because of their content. This isn’t the case for all women content creators just some and it’s something to keep in mind.  

They Value Followers over engagement

Why Big Influencers can’t sell

This is a huge mistake I see so many people make and it shows when they have tons of followers and can’t get them to do anything, not even share their content. Most people assume if they have tons of followers they will get tons of likes, comments, sponsorships, etc and that’s not true engagement is what’s important an account that has 5K followers and gets 1k likes per post is more valuable than an account with 50K followers getting 2K likes per post. Why? Because of engagement, most big companies look at your engagement rate per post and it will determine if they will work with you or not. 

They only make Trendy Content

Why Big Influencers can’t sell

This is really more of a problem on TikTok but there isn’t anything wrong with trendy content it’s a good way to bring more attention to you. The problem is when this is most of your content it takes away your individuality and any chance of you being unique so instead of viewers becoming a fan of you they're just a fan of the trend. Like I said earlier this is a good way to attract new viewers but it should only be about 25% of your content in my opinion that way when these new viewers see you, you have a higher chance of standing out. 


Most influencers can’t sell because of a lack of a true fanbase, they have people just viewing their content and these viewers don’t really care about the person creating the content. Most people trying to be influencers nowadays only care about their follower count and not their engagement and that’s one thing that really hinders their growth and slows down their spread to other platforms. Lastly, People only focus on following trends because they are the new hot thing vs spending more time trying to build a core following which could lead to them creating the next trend.

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